Yunjiao Liu


Welcome to my small world of analytics! Or, you can call it a case playground!

My goal is be a creative,experienced marketing professional in the future!

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Analytics Design to Recommend Flavors New Product Line, Group Project


EarlyRiders, our client, had a recent management change and realized that their product set was underperforming. They currently offer two products and one in particular was not doing well. The management team decided after much deliberation to revitalize their product portfolio based on the opinions of potential end-users.

For this purpose, we ran a conjoint analysis based on 200 individuals, these individuals are made up of parents of 2-4 year old kids who planned to purchase a toy horse. And we were in charge of analyzing the data and creating a presentation to give to the management team of EarlyRiders.

:anguished:Too much? Don’t want to read anymore? Click the Easy Going PowerPoint Here

Analytics Design

Decision: Which product line based on long term profitability

Decision Criteria:


Priori Segment by “Age”

summary (lm(ratings~priceage+sizeage+motionage+styleage, data=prioridf))

Priori Segment by “Gender”

summary (lm(ratings~pricegender+sizegender+motiongender+stylegender,data=prioridf))

Post Hoc: Cluster Modeling

3 segments supported by average silhouette Total within sum of square–visual intuition

4. R Code

Click here to see the code

5. Profit Analysis

Considerations for Longterm Profit:

Why data is so important to pricing? Here to know–>Amazon does not use Price Match Guarantee